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Internet Exercises
(See related pages)

1. WebQuests
Work with a group to complete these inquiry-oriented activities that use the Internet.

Network Design
Design a LAN for a high school.

Advanced Searching with Google
Learn more about Google's Advanced Search.
2. What is a modem?
Use Webopedia to search for "modem," "cable modem," and "internal modem." Write a paragraph that describes these modems and what they do.
3. School Networking Needs Analysis
Visit the Northwest Educational Technology Consortium (NETC) and read the online publication A Guide to Networking in Kñ12 Schools. Print out Appendix AóSchool Networking Needs Analysis. Fill it out to the best of your ability.
4. Articles on Telecommunications
Search T.H.E. Journal for articles on telecommunications. Read one article and write a summary.

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