Bandwidth | The amount of data that can be transmitted through a communication network.
Broadband | Refers to high bandwidth that transmits 1.5 Mps over fiber optic cables.
Bulletin board system (BBS) | A computer that serves as a center for exchange of information for various interest groups.
Cable modem | A device that lets the individual access the Internet via television cable connection.
Chat room | A real-time Internet discussion on some topic.
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) | A digital technology that offers high-speed transmission over standard copper telephone wiring.
Electronic mail, e-mail | A system of transmitting messages over a communication network via the computer. Pine is an e-mail service most commonly used at universities, and Eudora Lite is a mail application used most often by the general public.
Gopher | A program that lets the user browse the Internet using menus.
Internet | A system of worldwide networks that enable the user to send electronic mail, conduct research, chat, and participate in newsgroups.
Internet relay chat (IRC) | A real-time Internet service that allows you to do conferencing all over the world.
Local area network (LAN) | A network that provides communication within a local area, usually within 200 or 300 feet, as found in office buildings.
Modem | Short for MOdulator/DEModulator, a device that lets two computers communicate with each other via telephone lines.
Netiquette | The etiquette used in cyberspace.
Network | Computers that share storage devices, peripherals, and applications. A network can be connected by telephone lines, satellites, or cables.
Newsgroups | Similar to public bulletin boards where you can read messages that others have written and contribute to the discussion.
Ring network | A group of computers that communicate with each other in a ring, without a file server.
Star network | A communications network in which all the computers are connected to a file server or host computer.
Telecommunication | The electronic transmission of information, including data, television pictures, sound, and facsimiles.
Usenet | A leading network system of bulletin boards that services more than 1,500 newsgroups.
Wide area network (WAN) | A network that uses long-distance communication or satellites to connect computers over greater distances than a local area network does.
World Wide Web (WWW) | An Internet service that lets you navigate the Internet using hypertext documents.