What follows is an annotated list of Internet sites. These sites include information about Internet dictionaries, Internet history, tutorials, lesson plans, activities, and tips. Barry’s Clip Art Server http://www.barrysclipart.com/
Barry’s Clip Art Server contains thousands of images, all free for download.
Bluetooth http://www.bluetooth.com/
This is the official Bluetooth Site containing news, special events, special interest groups, and developer information. The site explains how to use Bluetooth technology, how it works and the various products.
Britannica.Com http://www.britannica.com/
The Britannica.com site brings the best websites, leading magazines, related books, and the complete encyclopedia.
Education Week—on the Web http://edweek.org/
This site is for people interested in education reform, schools, and the policies that guide them. Education Week, published by Editorial Projects in Education, also includes extensive education information on every state and the District of Columbia.
FamilyEducation.com http://familyeducation.com/home/
This site provides useful information and interactive communication tools to help busy parents help their children succeed. It includes school resources, quizzes, polls, discussion groups, and articles on parenting and education subjects. It also contains a network of local school websites, with school calendars and community-level information enabling parent–school connection.
Internet Dictionary http://www.netlingo.com/
Net Lingo is a collection of terms common to the Internet.
Internet Society http://www.isoc.org/internet/history/
The Internet Society articles range from those who made history to the World Wide Web past, present, and future.
The List http://thelist.internet.com/
This ISP buyer’s guide lets you search for providers by country, state, or area code.