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Supplements- New to the third edition of Plants and Society is this comprehensive website designed to assist instructors and enhance the students’ learning process by providing relevant study tools. Instructors will find answers to the Concept Quizzes, classroom activities, animations to use in classroom presentations, and more. Students will benefit from practice quizzing, hot links to related material on the Internet, current news articles relating to botany, and interesting “how to” information about plants.
- A CD-ROM with hundreds of testing questions is now available to instructors.
- The new Laboratory Manual for Applied Botany by Levetin/McMahon/Reinsvold features 18 exercises that focus on examining plants and plant products that have sustained or affected human society. Four additional appendices include a look at Science as a Process, A Field Trip to A Health Store, A Taster’s Sampler of Caffeine Beverages and Foods, and Notes for Instructors for each of the labs. Click here to view an exercise from this popular manual.
- Available upon adoption, The Amazing Lives of Plants: The Reproductive Lives of Mosses, Pines, Ferns, and Flowers is a beautiful, four-color exploration into the life cycles of four representative groups of plants. Subtitled text makes it easy to cue up for use in lecture, and the pace of the video is suitable for students taking notes. Presented in a vivid combination of live video footage and sharp animation, this product is available on videotape or CD-ROM.