1 |  |  1. The physiological effects of caffeine include a reduced heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, and dilated blood vessels.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
2 |  |  2. Recent studies indicate that coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of _______.
|  | A) | a. multiple sclerosis
|  | B) | b. cancer
|  | C) | c. Parkinson’s Disease
|  | D) | d. Hodgkin’s Disease
3 |  |  3. Coffee fruits that produce a single pea-shaped bean called a peaberry have a much weaker caffeine concentration and are sold as decaffeinated coffee.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
4 |  |  4. Which of the following occurs during the coffee roasting period?
|  | A) | a. Sugars convert to starch.
|  | B) | b. Caffeol is released.
|  | C) | c. Caffeine content increases.
|  | D) | d. all of the above.
|  | E) | e. a and b are correct.
5 |  |  5. The Swiss-Water decaffeination process removes caffeine from coffee by using carbon dioxide that penetrates the bean and dissolves the caffeine.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
6 |  |  6. _______ is espresso coffee with steamed milk, whereas ________ is espresso coffee with chocolate syrup.
|  | A) | a. Caffe latte, caffe mocha
|  | B) | b. Cappuccino, caffe latte
|  | C) | c. Caffe latte, cappuccino
|  | D) | d. Cappuccino, caffe mocha
7 |  |  7. Tannins in tea are believed to discourage herbivores from eating the leaves and are responsible for staining teeth and teapots.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
8 |  |  8. What 1904 invention revolutionized tea drinking in the U.S.?
|  | A) | a. mechanized tea combine
|  | B) | b. ice cubes
|  | C) | c. whistling teapot
|  | D) | d. tea bag
9 |  |  9. The Cadbury, Fry, and Rowentree Chocolate Companies were started by Jewish families in Eastern Europe in response to being denied access to other professions and trades.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
10 |  |  10. In nature, cacao seed dispersal is dependent on _______.
|  | A) | a. animals
|  | B) | b. wind
|  | C) | c. flowing water
|  | D) | d. humans
11 |  |  11. Which of the following is NOT a pathogen of cacao?
|  | A) | a. witches broom
|  | B) | b. frosty pod rot
|  | C) | c. black pod rot
|  | D) | d. stem rust
|  | E) | e. none of the above
12 |  |  12. The beneficial compounds found in chocolate include antioxidants, vitamin E, and stearic acid.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
13 |  |  13. The recently uncovered scandal surrounding cocoa plantations in West Africa involves
|  | A) | a. the use of the deadly pesticide DDT.
|  | B) | b. child slave labor.
|  | C) | c. embezzlement of millions of dollars.
|  | D) | d. all of the above.
14 |  |  14. The seeds from the cacao tree are used to produce chocolate, Coca-Cola, and cocaine.
|  | A) | True
|  | B) | False
15 |  |  15. Aside from Camellia, tea is also made from the leaves of ________ trees.
|  | A) | a. nutmeg
|  | B) | b. Mediterranean oak
|  | C) | c. holly
|  | D) | d. olive