1 |  |  If a slice of a pie is used as an analogy for an ecosystem then _____ could be an analogy for the biosphere. |
|  | A) | the pie crust |
|  | B) | the plate on which the pie is served |
|  | C) | the whole pie |
|  | D) | the pie filling |
2 |  |  All the silver maples in a given area make up a(n) _____. |
|  | A) | population |
|  | B) | community |
|  | C) | ecosystem |
|  | D) | biosphere |
3 |  |  Silver maples, red oaks, red wolves, deer, robins, bluejays, a fresh water stream, river otters, black rat snakes, various soil bacteria and fungi, loamy soil, and lots of rain in the spring could describe a(n) _____. |
|  | A) | population |
|  | B) | community |
|  | C) | ecosystem |
|  | D) | biosphere |
4 |  |  A population consists of all the organisms within an area belonging to the same species. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  Ecology is the study of _____. |
|  | A) | animal structures and functions of those structures |
|  | B) | how organisms adapt to a changing environment |
|  | C) | the interactions between organisms and the physical environment |
|  | D) | how living things are organized and classified |
6 |  |  Modern ecology seeks to _____. |
|  | A) | describe the interactions between organisms and the physical environment |
|  | B) | develop models that explain and predict the distribution and abundance of organisms |
|  | C) | analyze levels of organization and develop models and hypotheses that can be tested |
|  | D) | all of the above |
7 |  |  Which of the following is a possible application of ecological principles? |
|  | A) | the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park to control elk numbers |
|  | B) | genetically engineering bacteria to produce human insulin |
|  | C) | using the fermentation process of yeast to make beer |
|  | D) | none of the above |
8 |  |  The number of organisms per unit area or volume is the _____. |
|  | A) | population density |
|  | B) | population distribution |
9 |  |  Basing ecological models solely on population density can be misleading. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
10 |  |  Most populations are distributed _____. |
|  | A) | uniformly |
|  | B) | randomly |
|  | C) | in clumps |
11 |  |  The territoriality of birds causes _____ distribution of the organisms. |
|  | A) | random |
|  | B) | clumped |
|  | C) | uniform |
12 |  |  Only abiotic factors can be limiting factors. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
13 |  |  When ecologists study the abiotic components of the environment they are studying _____. |
|  | A) | all organisms |
|  | B) | all predators |
|  | C) | soil, water, and weather |
|  | D) | all organisms, soil, water, and weather |
14 |  |  Angiosperms which produce fruits that increase the dispersal of seeds would be expected to show the same pattern of distribution that the cedar trees do. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
15 |  |  All the various species interacting in a location make up a(n) _____. |
|  | A) | population |
|  | B) | community |
|  | C) | ecosystem |
|  | D) | biosphere |
16 |  |  Ecology and _____ are closely intertwined because ecological interactions act as selective agents. |
|  | A) | bioengineering |
|  | B) | taxonomy |
|  | C) | evolution |
|  | D) | pathology |
17 |  |  The distribution of the population in the United States would be best described as _____. |
|  | A) | random |
|  | B) | uniform |
|  | C) | clumped |
18 |  |  To determine the intrinsic rate of natural increase it is necessary to consider _____. |
|  | A) | the rate of immigration |
|  | B) | the birth rate |
|  | C) | the death rate |
|  | D) | both B and C |
19 |  |  Populations increase in size when _____. |
|  | A) | the birth rate exceeds the death rate |
|  | B) | emigration exceeds immigration |
|  | C) | mortality exceeds natality |
20 |  |  If a group of organisms numbers 200 and over the course of a year 18 births and 6 deaths occur, then the intrinsic rate of natural increase for this group of organisms is _____. |
|  | A) | 0.03 |
|  | B) | 0.06 |
|  | C) | 0.09 |
|  | D) | 0.12 |
21 |  |  When members of a population experience many reproductive events throughout their lifetime the population has a _____ pattern of growth. |
|  | A) | discrete |
|  | B) | continuous |
22 |  |  Which of the following is an example of a species that would experience a discrete pattern of population growth? |
|  | A) | maple trees |
|  | B) | deer |
|  | C) | butterflies |
|  | D) | humans |
23 |  |  Organisms that have only a single reproductive event in their lifetime _____. |
|  | A) | produce offspring that survive dryness and/or cold |
|  | B) | expend all their energy in reproduction and then die |
|  | C) | are members of populations that have discrete patterns of growth |
|  | D) | all of the above |
24 |  |  A population will experience its biotic potential when _____. |
|  | A) | resources are limited |
|  | B) | there is plenty of room for each member of the population |
|  | C) | the members harbor a parasite |
|  | D) | all of the above |
25 |  |  A population can continue to grow exponentially forever. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
26 |  |  Growth is slow during the lag phase because the population is small. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
27 |  |  Populations are prevented from reaching their biotic potential by _____. |
|  | A) | a limited supply of food |
|  | B) | an accumulation of waste products |
|  | C) | predation |
|  | D) | all of the above |
28 |  |  Only logistic growth curves have a lag phase. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
29 |  |  An S shaped curve is characteristic of a _____ growth curve. |
|  | A) | logistic |
|  | B) | exponential |
30 |  |  During the stable equilibrium phase of a logistic growth curve _____. |
|  | A) | growth is slow |
|  | B) | growth is accelerating |
|  | C) | there is little if any growth |
31 |  |  The maximum number of individuals of a given species that can be supported by a given area on a sustained basis is known as _____. |
|  | A) | biotic potential |
|  | B) | carrying capacity |
|  | C) | exponential growth |
|  | D) | environmental resistance |
32 |  |  Non-native species like kudzu, zebra mussels, and nutria experience _____ outside their native area due to a lack of natural predators and their ability to compete more successfully than native species for resources. |
|  | A) | environmental resistance |
|  | B) | extinction |
|  | C) | resource partitioning |
|  | D) | exponential growth |
33 |  |  An environment is capable of sustaining a population of limited size. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
34 |  |  A limiting factor like _____ may prevent a population from thriving in a particular habitat. |
|  | A) | temperature |
|  | B) | food supply |
|  | C) | altitude |
|  | D) | all of the above |
35 |  |  The biotic potential of a population is displayed during the _____ phase of a logistic growth curve. |
|  | A) | lag |
|  | B) | exponential growth |
|  | C) | deceleration |
|  | D) | stable equilibrium |
36 |  |  The deceleration and stable equilibrium phases of a logistic growth curve are the result of _____. |
|  | A) | biotic potential |
|  | B) | environmental resistance |
37 |  |  Once a population reaches its carrying capacity its size remains stable. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
38 |  |  A population in which most of the organisms survive well past the midpoint and die near the very end of the life span have a _____ survivorship curve. |
|  | A) | Type I |
|  | B) | Type II |
|  | C) | Type III |
39 |  |  Most of the members of a population with a Type III survivorship curve contribute offspring to the next generation. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
40 |  |  Which of the following populations would have a Type III survivorship curve typical of populations in which most individuals die very young? |
|  | A) | elephants |
|  | B) | wolves |
|  | C) | horses |
|  | D) | sea turtles |
41 |  |  A urn-shaped age structure diagram is characteristic of a population in which the _____ group of organisms is the largest. |
|  | A) | prereproductive |
|  | B) | reproductive |
|  | C) | postreproductive |
42 |  |  The type-II survivorship curve results when organisms die at a constant rate through time. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
43 |  |  If the birthrate is high and population is undergoing exponential growth the age structure diagram is bell-shaped. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
44 |  |  The carrying capacity of a population corresponds to the _____ phase of the logistic growth curve. |
|  | A) | lag |
|  | B) | exponential growth |
|  | C) | deceleration |
|  | D) | stable equilibrium |
45 |  |  Which of the following will limit a population's growth? |
|  | A) | parasitism |
|  | B) | plenty of room for each organism |
|  | C) | unlimited resources |
|  | D) | none of the above |
46 |  |  The ability of many populations to reproduce far exceeds the number necessary to replace the organisms that die. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
47 |  |  Humans, especially those in more-developed countries, would have a _____ survivorship curve. |
|  | A) | Type I |
|  | B) | Type II |
|  | C) | Type III |
48 |  |  If the death rate exceeds the birth rate the _____ will become smaller than the reproductive group. |
|  | A) | prereproductive |
|  | B) | postreproductive |
49 |  |  When the _____ group is the largest of the three groups the birthrate is higher than the death rate. |
|  | A) | prereproductive |
|  | B) | reproductive |
|  | C) | postreproductive |
50 |  |  All natural populations perfectly fit one of the three survivorship curves. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
51 |  |  The fact that predation increases as population size of prey increases is a(n) ______ factor. |
|  | A) | density-dependent |
|  | B) | density-independent |
|  | C) | abiotic |
|  | D) | both A and C |
52 |  |  Which of the following is an intrinsic factor that affects population size and growth rate? |
|  | A) | availability of food |
|  | B) | weather conditions |
|  | C) | the presence of parasites |
|  | D) | territoriality |
53 |  |  An accidental fire or drought are examples of _____ factors that affect population size and growth rate. |
|  | A) | extrinsic |
|  | B) | density independent |
|  | C) | abiotic |
|  | D) | all of the above |
54 |  |  A population crash can occur after exponential growth causes population size to exceed the carrying capacity of the environment. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
55 |  |  Predation decreases when the prey population gets denser faster. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
56 |  |  Population size and growth rates can be influenced by intrinsic factors such as _____. |
|  | A) | dominance hierarchies |
|  | B) | emigration |
|  | C) | territoriality |
|  | D) | all of the above |
57 |  |  Which of the following is a density-dependent factor that regulates population size? |
|  | A) | competition |
|  | B) | drought |
|  | C) | accidental fire |
|  | D) | earthquake |
58 |  |  Species which grow exponentially for several seasons undergo a sharp decline when resources are depleted. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
59 |  |  An example of a K-strategist is a _____. |
|  | A) | fern |
|  | B) | cod |
|  | C) | bear |
|  | D) | all of the above |
60 |  |  Although angiosperms produce lots of offspring they are considered _____ because the seeds protect and nourish the next sporophyte generation. |
|  | A) | K-strategist |
|  | B) | r-strategist |
61 |  |  Which of the following correctly describes an r-strategist? |
|  | A) | long life span |
|  | B) | slow to mature |
|  | C) | little or no care of offspring |
|  | D) | large individuals |
62 |  |  Opportunistic species _____. |
|  | A) | are exemplified by many insects and annual plants |
|  | B) | produce many offspring |
|  | C) | display low population densities |
|  | D) | all of the above |
63 |  |  K-strategists _____. |
|  | A) | provide little or no care for their offspring |
|  | B) | require large ranges |
|  | C) | easily colonize new habitats |
|  | D) | adapt easily when their normal way of life is destroyed |
64 |  |  In which countries are populations expanding the most rapidly? |
|  | A) | less-developed countries |
|  | B) | more-developed countries |
|  | C) | both have the same rate of expansion |
65 |  |  The current world population of humans is _____ billion. |
|  | A) | one |
|  | B) | three |
|  | C) | six |
|  | D) | nine |
66 |  |  Some of the more-developed countries are actually decreasing in size. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
67 |  |  Less-developed countries, which are expanding rapidly, would have a(n) _____ age structure diagram. |
|  | A) | pyramid-shaped |
|  | B) | bell-shaped |
|  | C) | urn-shaped |
68 |  |  The human population has a _____ pattern of growth. |
|  | A) | logistic |
|  | B) | exponential |
69 |  |  If each couple has two children zero population growth will take place immediately. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
70 |  |  Less-developed countries are expanding rapidly because they have more women entering the reproductive years than there are older women leaving them. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
71 |  |  Which of the following will greatly reduced the expected increase in the human population? |
|  | A) | raising the status of women |
|  | B) | reducing child mortality |
|  | C) | wider spacing of births |
|  | D) | all of the above |
72 |  |  Environmental impact is measured in terms of _____. |
|  | A) | population size |
|  | B) | resource consumption |
|  | C) | waste production |
|  | D) | all of the above |
73 |  |  The human population has a _____ growth curve. |
|  | A) | J-shaped |
|  | B) | S-shaped |
74 |  |  The doubling time of the human population has decreased considerably since the 1800s. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
75 |  |  Less-developed countries consume the majority of the earth's resources and create most of the earth's pollution. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
76 |  |  In which of the following areas would the human population have an urn-shaped age structure diagram? |
|  | A) | Asia |
|  | B) | Europe |
|  | C) | Africa |
|  | D) | South America |