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Fill in the Blanks
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The founder of psychoanalysis was

The psychologist most frequently associated with social learning theory is

Studies of sensation and perception, learning, motivation, and emotion are most likely to be conducted by psychologists.

Unconscious thought is emphasized by the approach to psychology.

The movement in psychology that emphasizes a person's capacity for personal growth, freedom of choice, and positive qualities is the movement.

The effects of praise and reinforcement are important to psychologists who take a approach.

Studies to identify the conditions that allow individuals to survive or fail are conducted by psychologists.

A psychologist who probes a depressed client's thoughts to identify the cause of the depression and conducts therapy to help them become more psychologically healthy is a psychologist.

The president of a company who wanted to improve personnel selection practices would consult an / psychologist.

A study to describe the pattern of weight changes in groups of people from age 18 months to 65 years of age would be conducted by a psychologist.

A study to examine the attitudes of group members toward the leaders of the group would most likely be conducted by a psychologist.

A psychologist who compares the disciplinary practices used by Hispanic parents with those used by Asian-American parents is using a approach.

The study of the relatively enduring traits and characteristics of individuals is most likely to conducted by psychologists.

A factory owner who wanted advice about whether installing more lighting would improve production would seek the services of an psychologist.

A college student who wanted to compile a list of crisis intervention and support groups for a class project would get the most information from a psychologist.

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