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Internet Exercises
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What is your opinion of "intelligence" tests? Have you ever taken one? If so, what do you remember of the experience? Do you think the results validly reflected your "intelligence"? Here's your chance to take several more. Experience the various formats and write up your evaluation of their validity based on what you've learned about the concept of intelligence. Go to


Rate your emotional intelligence. What do you base this on? Provide evidence as to your behavioral responses that reflect such an evaluation. If you're not sure where you stand, take the test at

Discuss your results and their validity.


Listen to the presentation at and answer the following questions:

  • What theories exist to account for the rise in IQ over the last several decades?
  • Whose IQ has been rising, how much, and in what areas?
  • What is the role of the visual media?
  • Are we more intelligent than our grandparents?
After answering each, present your own interpretation and understanding of the issue.


Think about the creative people you know. Make a list of the personality traits you think are associated with being creative. Now identify the traits from that list that you possess. Do you consider yourself a creative person? Why or why not? Related your answer to the trait lists you created and then check out the traits presented at

Did any of these traits or descriptions of creative individuals surprise you? Why or why not? Do you see yourself as being more or less of a creative person after reading the trait descriptions?

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