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Animation: Delayed (Type IV) Hypersensitivity
(See related pages)

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1On first exposure to antigen, T helper cells
A)become activated and increase in number
B)cause inflammation
C)cause skin lesions
D)attract more macrophages

2When T helper cells are exposed for the second time to hapten-peptide on antigen presenting cells, they
A)lyse cells using perforin
B)release cytokines which attract more macrophages
C)make antibodies
D)kill macrophages

3Skin lesions due to hypersensitivity appear
A)24 hours after first exposure to antigen
B)48–72 hours after first exposure to antigen
C)24 hours after second exposure to antigen
D)3 weeks after second exposure to antigen

4A hapten is an antigen that is capable of causing antibody production on its own.

5Delayed hypersensitivity is due to the effects of the humoral part of the immune system.

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Home > Chapter 14 > Animation: Delayed (Type IV) Hypersensitivity