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affiliate  a broadcasting station that aligns itself with a network
AM/FM combo  two stations, one AM and one FM, simultaneously broadcasting identical content
audion tube  vacuum tube developed by DeForest that became the basic invention for all radio and television
average quarter-hour  how many people are listening to a broadcast station in each 15-minute day part
billings  total sale of broadcast airtime
Biltmore agreement  settled the press war between newspapers, which had refused their services to their electronic competitors, and radio
Bitcasters  "radio stations" that can be accessed only over the World Wide Web
catalogue albums  in record retailing, albums more than 3 years old
copyright  identifying and granting ownership of a given piece of expression to protect the creators' financial interest in it
cover  rerecording of one artist's music by another
cume  the cumulative audience, the number of people who listen to a radio station for at least 5 minutes in any one day
deregulation  relaxation of ownership and other rules for radio and television
digital audio radio service (DARS)  direct home or automobile delivery of audio by satellite
digital recording  recording based on conversion of sound into 1s and 0s logged in millisecond intervals in a computerized translation process
DMX (Digital Music Express)  home delivery of audio by cable
duopoly  single ownership and management of multiple radio stations in one market
format  a radio station's particular sound or programming content
in-band-on-channel (IBOC)  digital radio technology that uses digital compression to "shrink" digital and analog signals, allowing both to occupy the same frequency
liquid barretter  first audio device permitting the reception of wireless voices; developed by Fessenden
modem  a device that translates digital computer information into an analog form so it can be transmitted through telephone lines
MP3  file compression software that permits streaming of digital audio and video data
nonduplication rule  mid-1960s FCC ruling that AM and FM license holders in the same market must broadcast different content at least 50% of the time
O&O  a broadcasting station that is owned and operated by a network
open source software  freely downloaded software
P2P  person-to-person software that permits direct Internet-based communication or collaboration between two or more personal computers while bypassing centralized servers
piracy  the illegal recording and sale of copyrighted material
playlist  predetermined sequence of selected records to be played by a disc jockey
rating  percentage of a market's total population that is reached by a piece of broadcast programming
recent catalogue albums  in record retailing, albums out for 15 months to 3 years
secondary service  a radio station's second, or nonprimary, format
share  the percentage of people listening to radio or of homes using television tuned in to a given piece of programming
spectrum scarcity  broadcast spectrum space is limited, so not everyone who wants to broadcast can; those who are granted licenses must accept regulation
streaming  the simultaneous downloading and accessing (playing) of digital audio or video data
syndication  sale of radio or television content to stations on a market-by-market basis
trustee model  in broadcast regulation, the idea that broadcasters serve as the public's trustees or fiduciaries
Web radio  the delivery of "radio" over the Internet directly to individual listeners

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