Listed below are all sections contained in a typical research report. Place them in the correct section and order that they would appear in a report. I. Introductory section II. Main Body III. References (Bibliography) IV. Appendixes Purpose of the study Justification of the study Discussion of external validity Research question and hypotheses Definition of terms Background and review of related literature Summary and conclusions Description of the research design Theory Title Page Studies directly related Studies tangentially related Procedures Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Limitations -- unresolved problems and limitations Discussion of internal validity Description and justification of the statistical techniques or other methods of analysis used Findings Description of findings pertinent to each of the research hypotheses or questions Description of the sample Brief summary of the research question being investigated, the procedures employed, and the results obtained Discussion of the implication of the findings--their meaning and significance Suggestions for further research Problem to be investigated Description of the instruments used Explanation of the procedures followed |