Data analysis | The process of simplifying data in order to make it comprehensible.
External validity | The degree to which results are generalizable, or applicable, to groups and environments outside the research setting.
Findings | see results (of a study).
Instrumentation | Instruments and procedures used in collecting data in a study.
Internal validity | The degree to which observed differences on the dependent variable are directly related to the independent variable, not to some other (uncontrollable) variable.
Justification | A rationale statement in which a researcher indicates why the study is important to conduct; includes implications for theory and/or practice.
Literature review | The systematic identification, location, and analysis of documents containing information related to a research problem.
Pilot study | A small-scale study administered before conducting an actual study--its purpose is to reveal defects in the research plan.
Procedures | A detailed description by the researcher of what was (or will be) done in carrying out a study.
Purpose of study | A specific statement by a researcher of what he or she intends to accomplish.
Research design | The overall plan for collecting data in order to answer the research question. Also the specific data analysis techniques or methods that the researcher intends to use.
Research hypothesis | A prediction of study outcomes. Often a statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables.
Research proposal | A detailed description of a proposed study designed to investigate a given problem.
Research question | A question that we can answer by collecting and analyzing data.
Research report | A description of how a study was conducted, including results and conclusions.
Results | A statement that explains what is shown by analysis of the data collected; includes tables and graphs when appropriate.
Sample | The group on which information is obtained.