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How to Write a Project Proposal
Explore this online guide from Worcester Polytechnic University to learn how to develop a project proposal from start to finish. Includes detailed information for writing each section.
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Common Proposal Mistakes
Find out what sponsors cite as the most commonly made proposal mistakes.
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How to Write a Scholarly Research Report
This ERIC Digest discusses the common sections of a research report along with frequently made mistakes.
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Communicating Educational Research Data to General, Nonresearcher Audiences
This ERIC Digest describes some of the problems in communicating research with general audiences. Helpful information is included about how researchers can best present data for maximum effectiveness, impact, and influence.
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Online Writing Lab: Research Reports
This hypertext offers pre-writing activities to help you get started writing your report. It identifies all of the sections of a report and offers some general technical writing guidelines.
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The White House: Social Statistics Briefing Room
The White House administers a site which provides press briefings about today's hot topics, and includes the latest Federal statistics. The latest reports from National Center for Education Statistics, ranging from guns in schools to drop-out rates, are presented with supporting charts, figures, and references.
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National Center for Education Statistics: Electronic Catalog
National Center for Education Statistics allows you to conduct customized searches to locate NCES publications and data products. From the site, users can browse the content of publications, download data files, or order hard copies of reports.
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First in the Nation in Education (FINE)
The FINE (First in the Nation in Education) Foundation is an educational research entity whose purpose is to bring the best educational research in the most usable forms to educators and policy makers. FINE identifies analysis criteria, in the form of questions, which are organized by typical sections of a research report. Additional links to writing qualitative and quantitative reports are also available.
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Psych Web
Psych Web contains psychology-related information for students and teachers of psychology, including APA style guides and help sheets.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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