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Arteriolar Radius and Blood Flow
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View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1The blood flow to the body organs...
A)is regulated exclusively by the heart stroke volume.
B)is regulated exclusively by the heart rate.
C)remains constant.
D)is directly proportional to the resistance of the arterioles leading to them.
E)is inversely proportional to the resistance of the arterioles leading to them.

A)decreases blood flow and increases blood pressure.
B)increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure.
C)decreases both blood flow and blood pressure.
D)increases both blood flow and blood pressure.
E)has a minimal effect on blood flow and blood pressure.

A)decreases blood flow and increases blood pressure.
B)increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure.
C)decreases both blood flow and blood pressure.
D)increases both blood flow and blood pressure.
E)has a minimal effect on blood flow and blood pressure.

4Blood pressure is directly proportional to vessel resistance.

5Blood flow is affected by both blood pressure and vessel resistance.

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Home > Chapter 9 > Arteriolar Radius and Blood Flow