Readings for More Classroom Ideas
Arcidiacono, Michael J., and E. Maier. "Picturing Algebra," in Math and the Mind's Eye (Unit ME9). Salem, OR: The Math Learning Center, Box 3226, 1993.
Bennett, A., E. Maier, and L. Ted Nelson. "Seeing Mathematical Relationships." (Unit ME1). Math and the Mind's Eye. Salem, OR: The Math Learning Center, Box 3226, 1988.
Berman, Barbara, and F. Friederwitzer. "Algebra Can Be Elementary. ..When It's Concrete." Arithmetic Teacher 36 (April 1989): 21-24.
Bums, Marilyn. Problem-Solving Lessons: Grades 1-6. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications, 1996.
Bums, Marilyn. Writing in Math Class: A Resource of Grades 2-8. Sausaiito, CA: Math Solutions Publications, 1996.
Carey, Deborah A. "The Patchwork Quilt: A Context for Problem Solving." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (December 1992): 199-203.
Castellar, Catherine M. "Looking Silly To Make Sense: A Number Patterning Activity," Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (April 2002): 438-443.
Chappell, Michaele F., and Marilyn E. Strutchens. "Creating Connections: Promoting Algebraic Thinking with Concrete Models." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (September 2001): 20-25.
Coburn, Terrence G., et al. Patterns, in the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades K-6. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993.
Cox, Pam, and Linda Bridges. "Algebra Activities for All: Calculating Human Horsepower." The Mathematics Teacher 92 (March 1999): 225-228.
Cramer, Kathleen. "Using Models to Build an Understanding of Functions." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (January 2001): 310-318.
Cramer, Kathleen, and Thomas Post. "Making Connections: A Case for Proportionality." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (February 1993): 342-346.
Farivar, S., and N. M. Webb. "Helping and Getting Help-Essential Skills for Effective Group Problem Solving." Arithmetic Teacher 41 (May 1994): 521-525.
Gill, Alice J. "Multiple Strategies: Product of Reasoning and Communication." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (March 1993): 380-387.
Higginson, William, and Lynda Colgan. "Algebraic Thinking through Origami." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (February 2001): 343-349.
Kenney, Patricia A., Judith S. Zawojewsky, and Edward A. Silver. "The Thinking of Students: Marcy's Dot Pattern." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (May 1998): 474-477.
Loewen, A. C. "Lima Beans, Paper Cups, and Algebra." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (April 1991): 34-37.
Miller, Catherine B., and Tamara B. Veenstra. "Fibonacci: Beautiful Patterns, Beautiful Mathematics." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (January 2002): 298-305.
Norman, F. Alexander. "Figurate Numbers in the Classroom." Arithmetic Teacher38 (March 1991): 42-45.
Rigdon, Deanna, Jolyn Raleigh, and Shari Goodman. "Pattern Block Explorations." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (November 1999): 182-183.
Schifter, Deborah. Reasoning About Operations: Early Algebraic Thinking in Grades K-6, in Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12, 1999 Yearbook, edited by L. V. Stiff and R. R. Curcio, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999, 62-81.
Silverman, F., K. Winograd, and D. Strohauer. "Student Generated Story Problems." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (April 1992): 6-12.
Van de Walle, John A., and Helen Holbrook. "Patterns, Thinking, and Problem Solving." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (April 1987): 6-12.
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