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Classroom Readings
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Readings for More Classroom Ideas Bennett, A., and P. Davidson. Fraction Bars Step-by-Step Teacher's Guide. Fort Collins, CO: Scott Resources, Inc., 2002.

Bennett, A., E. Maier, and L. Ted Nelson. "Modeling Rationals" and "Modeling Integers," in Math and the Mind's Eye (Units ME4 and ME6). Salem, OR: The Math Learning Center, Box 3226,1988.

Caldwell, Janet H. "Communicating About Fractions with Pattern Blocks." Teaching Children Mathematics 2 (November 1995): 156-161.

Cramer, Kathleen, and Nadine Bezuk. "Multiplication of Fractions: Teaching for Understanding." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (November 1991): 34-37.

Curcio, Frances R., Francine Sicklick, and Susan B. Turkel. "Divide and Conquer: Unit Strips to the Rescue." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (December 1987): 6-12.

Dirkes, M. Ann. “Draw to Understand.” Arithmetic Teacher 39 (December 1991): 26-29.

Edge, Douglas, "Fractions and Panes." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (April 1987): 13-17.

Kent, Laura Brinker. "Connecting Integers to Meaningful Contexts." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (September 2000): 62-66.

Maher, C., R. Davis, and A. Alston. "Teachers Paying Attention to Students' Thinking." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (May 1992): 34-37.

Middleton, James A., Marja van den Heuvel-Panuizen, and Julia A. Shew. "Using Bar Representations as a Model for Connecting Concepts of Rational Number." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (January 1998): 302-312.

Ortiz, Enrique. "A Game Involving Fraction Squares." Teaching Children Mathematics 7 (December 2000): 218-222.

Ott, J., D. Snook, and D. Gibson. "Understanding Partitive Division of Fractions." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 7-11.

Patterson, J. C. "Fourteen Different Strategies for Multiplication of Integers or Why ( -1)( -1) = 1." The Arithmetic Teacher 19 (May 1972): 396-403.

Pothier, Yvonne, and Daiyo Sawada. "Partitioning: An Approach to Fractions." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (December 1990): 12-17.

Schultz, James E. "Area Models-Spanning the Mathematics of Grades 3-9." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (October 1991): 42-46.

Van de Walle, John, and C. S. Thompson. "Let's Do It: Fractions with Fraction Strips." Arithmetic Teacher 32 (December 1984): 4-9.

Warrington, Mary Ann, and Constance Kamii. "Multiplication with Fractions: A Piagetian, Constructivist Approach." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (February 1998): 339-343.

Warrington, Mary Ann, and Constance Kamii. "Teaching Fractions: Fostering Children's Own Reasoning," in Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12, 1999 Yearbook, edited by L. V. Stiff and R. R. Curcio, VA: National Council of Teachers in Mathematics, 1999,82-92.

Watanabe, Tad. "Representations in Teaching and Learning Fractions." Teaching Children Mathematics 8 (April 2002): 457-463.

Weidemann, Wanda, Alice K. Milkovch, and Jane Braddock Hunt. "Using a Lifeline to Give Rational Numbers a Personal Touch." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (December 2001): 210-215.

Zaweojewski, Judith S. "Ideas: Fractions as Areas." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (December 1986): 18-25.

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