Burgelman Strategic Dynamics
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Feature Summary
Table of Contents
Book Preface
About the Authors

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases

Robert A. Burgelman, Stanford University
Andrew S. Grove, Stanford University and Intel Corporation
with Philip E. Meza, Stanford University

ISBN: 0073122653
Copyright year: 2006

Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases, by Burgelman, Grove, and Meza offers unique and valuable insight into strategy making for companies in information technology-driven industries. It is the product of over twelve years of teaching and research based on a unique combination of academic (Stanford's Robert Burgelman) and industry (Intel's Andy Grove) experience. In general, strategic dynamics describe the interactions between companies and their environments. Over time, these interactions strengthen or weaken the strategic position and the distinctive competencies of incumbent companies. All companies in all industries are affected by the results of strategic dynamics and many eventually succumb to them. (Just compare, for instance, the companies on the Fortune 500 list in 1950 with that of 2005.) But to study how strategic dynamics work it makes sense to do so in industries in which they can be observed to operate at a relatively fast rate and so Burgelman/Grove/Meza focuses on information technology-driven industries. The key themes and conceptual frameworks discussed in this book, along with its case studies and industry notes, provide instructors and students with a more complete viewpoint on the dynamic interactions of companies within industries and between industries than is typically found in books on strategy and technology strategy.

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