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Subjects & Predicates Marking Exercise
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Identifying Subjects and Predicates in Sentences

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1. Public speaking causes stress for nearly everyone, including college students.

2. When you are first learning to give speeches, you may be tempted to read from your notes.

3. If you are frightened of your audience, you may find it comforting to stare at the back of the room and avoid eye contact.

4. One strategy for developing confidence when you face an audience is to act as if you already feel confident.

5. Of course, every experienced speaker realizes how important it is to rehearse presentations well ahead of time.

6. If you are nervous and want to get it over with, you may be tempted to rush through your speech.

7. If that describes you, you can write reminders to yourself in your notes that say “Slow down!” and “Breathe!”

8. Nervous, inexperienced presenters also tend not to know what to do with their hands when they are giving a speech.

9. Walking around before you start your speech can help you get rid of nervous energy.

10. With each speech, you will gain experience and confidence.


Elder, J. Entryways into College Reading and Learning. Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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