GLAAD.ORG is the web site for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Among other useful information, the site provides education about homosexuality and issues faced by gays and lesbians; media watch; activities and social action opportunities; and resources for gays, lesbians, and their families. (
The government sponsored National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provides information from the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) on sex discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. For more in-depth information, there is a link to the OEEO Director's policy statement on sexual harassment. (
This twenty-one page pamphlet published by the National School Boards Association provides useful answers to questions about the legal rights of homosexual students in American schools. Resources and references are also provided. (
The State of Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services discusses the Sexual Predator Treatment Program (the subject of the video segment, Sexual Predators), which strives to provide a safe and secure commitment/ confinement for the residents, public, and staff; provide treatment and behavioral education to residents; maintain positive facility/unit living and working environments; manage human, equipment, and fiscal resources responsibly; and maintain cooperative working relationships with the external environment. (
"Education Is the Key to Your Child's Safety" is a good site for adults who care for children in any capacity. It provides information about sexual predators, how to educate children and keep them safe from predators, and steps to take to reduce the risk of children being lured into dangerous situations by sexual predators on the internet. (
) discusses how to protect children from pedophiles on the Internet. The site offers excellent information and useful resources, including a "Parents Safety Guide." (
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the largest anti-sexual assault organization in the United States. It established and maintains the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-HOPE); publicizes the hotline's free services; educates the public about sexual assault; lists counseling centers for victims of sexual assault; and works toward improving services to victims and to ensure that sexual predators are brought to justice. (
This site was created by a psychologist who grew up with gender dysphoria. The author shares his personal experiences, as well as information to help others, and a scientific critique of the psychopathology of gender identity disorder. (
The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University promotes interdisciplinary research and scholarship in the fields of human sexuality, gender, and reproduction. The Institute was founded in 1947, just before the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in1948. Today the Institute investigates sexual behavior and sexual health today. The site provides useful links to a wide array of sexual health issues. (
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