Tech. Graphics Communication 4
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Technical Graphics Communication, 4/e

Gary B. Bertoline, Purdue University
Eric N. Wiebe, North Carolina State University
Nathan W. Hartman, Purdue University
William A. Ross, Purdue University

ISBN: 0073128376
Copyright year: 2009

About the Authors

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Gary R. Bertoline is a distinguished Professor of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University. He earned his B.S. degree in Industrial Technology at Northern Michigan University in 1974, M.Ed. in Industrial Technology at Miami University in 1979, and Ph.D. at The Ohio State University in Industrial Technology in 1987. His graduate work focused on the integration of CAD into engineering graphics and visualization. He has 25 years’ experience teaching graphics at all levels from elementary school to senior citizens. Prof. Bertoline taught junior high and high school graphics at St. Henry High School, St. Henry, Ohio; drafting/design technology at Wright State University, Lake Campus, Celina, Ohio; and engineering graphics at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

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Eric N. Wiebe, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Graphic Communications Program at North Carolina State University. He earned his B.A. degree in Chemistry from Duke University in 1982, an M.A. in Industrial Design in 1987, and a Ph.D. in Psychology (Ergonomics) in 1996 at North Carolina State University. Before going to graduate school, Professor Wiebe worked as a chemist and in the A/E/C industry. His graduate work in industrial design focused on the role of computer graphics and CAD in the design process. After completing his master’s, Professor Wiebe helped develop a photorealistic rendering and modeling system for architectural and design professionals and worked as a private consultant.

Since coming to teach at North Carolina State, Dr. Wiebe has developed and taught a 3-D solid modeling course for 17 years. In addition, he coordinated the introduction of CAD into the introductory engineering graphics course. Professor Wiebe has also developed a course on scientific visualization, which looks at the graphic representation of technical and scientific data. Since coming to North Carolina State, he has continued to work as a consultant to industry and has been active at the university level on the integration of computing in academics. He has authored numerous publications and instructional materials. In addition to being the past editor of the Engineering Design Graphics Journal, he is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Educational Research Association, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

You can contact Dr. Wiebe at

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Nathan W. Hartman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Technical Graphics and a Master of Science in Technology from Purdue University, and a Doctorate in Technology Education from North Carolina State University. His graduate work focused on the development of expertise and problem solving in the use of modern CAD tools. Nathan currently teaches undergraduate courses in engineering graphics, 3D modeling, product graphics standards and documentation, and product data management. He also teaches graduate course covering the foundational elements of computer graphics and measurement and evaluation. His current research focus includes the use of constraint-based CAD tools in the design process, geometry automation, legacy data and CAD data exchange, and the use of virtual reality in the product lifecycle.

Prior to coming to Purdue, Nathan worked for a variety of companies in using and integrating computer-aided design (CAD) tools into the engineering design process through the development of custom training applications and materials. He worked for RAND Worldwide as a Senior Technical Training Engineer, where he taught all levels of courses in 3D modeling and product data management for corporate clients and developed customized training curricula. He also provided on-site technical support for larger clients during their new product development stages and during their installation and configuration of product data management tools. Nathan has also worked for Caterpillar in the large engine design group and for Fairfield Manufacturing in the tool design and fixtures group.

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William A. Ross is Professor Emeritus of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University. He earned his B.S. Degree in Technical Education and design from North Carolina State University in 1973 and an M.Ed. in 1976. Prior to going into higher education, he worked for five years in industry in construction and architectural design. He has over 30 years experience teaching graphics at a variety of levels. Prior to joining the faculty at Purdue in 1988, Prof. Ross taught drafting at Athens Drive Senior High School, Raleigh, NC; design drafting in the North Carolina Community College system; and engineering graphics at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. He specializes in visualization sketching and instructional design of 3D computer graphics applications for product design, CAD, animation, and simulation.

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