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Essay Quiz
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Summarize in your own words how a middle-aged person is different physically from a young adult. Be sure to mention the approximate ages when some of the changes you mention begin.
Describe in your own words what a woman can expect as she passes through menopause. Offer advice about the best way to cope with several of the changes you describe.
Write a list of at least six guidelines for people who want to be as healthy as possible in middle adulthood. Consider the following questions as you prepare your guidelines. What behaviors should they avoid? What should they do? What nonbehavioral influences should they be aware of (consider socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender, for example)?
List and describe in your own words at least three key findings from longitudinal studies of adult cognition.
Compare and contrast the thinking of experts and novices.
Prepare a set of guidelines for people who want to be more creative.
Describe retirement in middle age. Who retires and why? What do people need to consider when contemplating an early retirement?

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