This site takes a naturopathic approach to menopause. Find out what that entails and how it is different from a traditional medical approach. (
The Health Topics area of Medline sends you to pages of links about men's health, women's health, and the health of various ethnic and age groups in America. (
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a vast collection of resources on all kinds of women's health topics, including those mentioned in this chapter of your book. (
Explore the resources of this organization, dedicated to advancing our understanding of the role of stress in health and illness. (
Learn about Dr. Goldberg's research on adult cognition, and link to more information about his book, The Wisdom Paradox, which explains the unexpected benefits of adult cognition. (
Browse through the articles to find several on the practical applications of creativity, innovation, intuition, problem solving, and other aspects of adult cognition. For example, article 191, by Milton A. Glaser, spotlights the importance of intuition (discussed in your textbook) to corporate research and development. (
It's never too late! This site profiles a number of individuals whose careers or achievements began in midlife or later. (
Try some of the creativity tools or see what else this organization offers in its quest to promote a creative society. (