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MultiSim activities
(See related pages)

The Multisim application--which is not included on this website--is required in order to execute the simulation activities included. Please visit The National Instruments Website for more information about the Multisim application.

Multisim11_Digital_primer (2761.0K)
Read this brief quick-start guide to Multisim version 9 before you begin any of the activities below.


The MultiSim files are available for download as compressed files. You will need a decompression program such as Winzip to extract the files.

  1. Download the zip file(s).
  2. Extract the file(s) to your desktop or a working directory.
  3. Run MultiSim and open the data files from within the application.

MultiSim 11 data files (8383.0K)
These files are compatibale with Multisim version 11.

MultiSim 8 data files (8313.0K)
These files are compatibale with Multisim version 8, 9 and 10.

MultiSim 7 data files (3260.0K)
These files are compatibale with Multisim version 7.

MultiSim 6 data files (2900.0K)
These files are compatibale with Multisim version 6.

Fowler, 8eOnline Learning Center

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