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An Introduction to the World's Oceans, 10/e
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Internet Exercises
Click on the article, "State of the Coastal Environment—Chemical Contaminants in Oysters and Mussels." Read "National Picture" and "Case Studies." Find examples of increasing and decreasing trends. How is a trend distinguished from a random event? Read "Contrasts." Compare "Urban Sites" and "Non Urban Sites." What conclusions can you draw concerning high concentrations of heavy metals in the environment?
Read "Human Uses and the Sea." What was the effect of the early inhabitants on the shoreline?
Select the link to "Upwelling" on the sidebar. Read the discussion on upwelling and discuss the impact of upwelling on the biology of the local area. Name several upwelling areas and record how nutrients are transported in the upwelling. How does nutrient movement affect the marine food chain?

The Law of the Sea Convention limits the width of the territorial sea (the marine environment immediately adjacent to a country's coast that is considered to be that nation's sovereign territory) to 12 nautical miles. In some cases, where there are narrow straits less than 24 nautical miles wide, the establishment of a 12 nautical mile territorial zone would prevent ships from having the right to travel through the strait. Consequently, the Law of the Sea Convention also specifically guarantees freedom of navigation through narrow international straits.
a. What is the ruling for landlocked states?
b. What is the ruling on Archipelagic states?
c. What is the ruling on the use of natural resources on the continental shelf?