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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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Answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

Your laboratory supervisor informs you that there is too much bias in your quality control test results although your precision is excellent. What does she mean?
Your coworker wants to post the quality control test results weekly instead of daily in order to save time. Why is this not a good idea?
Quality control results for a POL test that you perform regularly have always indicated accurate test results. One day, you get a control result that is more that three standard deviations from the mean. What might cause this reading and what should you do?
Mrs. Smith, a patient who is prone to worry, questions the accuracy of lab tests performed “just in the doctor’s office” instead of in a “big, fancy lab.” What do you say?
On various days, three different workers in your POL perform the same quality control test and record the results. Worker A is consistently nearest the mean, worker B is consistently a little above the mean, and worker C has results that vary widely both above and below the mean. How would you explain these results?
A senior coworker has a heavy work load at the clinic as well as heavy home responsibilities. She suggests that both of you take shortcuts and fabricate an occasional quality control result. What is your response?
You have been working in a small POL for just a few months. Suddenly, you find yourself responsible for the entire POL due to your supervisor’s serious illness. The glucometer is not functioning properly. What should you do?
Dr. Arewa, your employer, has decided to purchase another machine to perform blood chemistries. He is considering two options: (1) an inexpensive, off-brand, used machine without a guarantee and (2) a new, more expensive machine with extended quality control and service support from the manufacturer. Which machine do you believe is the better buy? Why?
A coworker in the POL is in the process of reconstituting a dehydrated control with distilled water. She accidentally adds an extra drop or two of water from the volumetric pipette into the bottle of control. What should she do?

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