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EOC Exercises - Multiple Choice
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A quality assessment includes:
A)continuous monitoring of the test results
B)taking corrective action when problems are identified
C)reviewing the corrective action and ensuring it is working
D)all of the above
The best method of testing laboratory personnel skills is:
A)daily quality control testing
B)calibration testing
C)proficiency testing
D)none of the above
CLIA requires that quality control must be performed:
A)as often as the lab deems necessary
B)once every six months
C)every day that patient testing is performed
D)none of the above
The process of testing the system with calibrators and ensuring that the results determined by the test accurately reflect the actual concentration in the substance is known as:
A)quality control testing
B)calibration verification
C)proficiency testing
D)patient testing
The ability to get the same result repeatedly is known as:
C)true value
D)none of the above
When there is a problem with an instrument, you should:
A)refer to the operator's manual for advice
B)seek out the person in the lab who is most familiar with the instrument
C)contact the manufacturer through the instrument hotline
D)all of the above
Information included on the quality control log includes the:
A)initials of the person performing the test
B)date the control expires
C)date the controls were put into use
D)all of the above
How often is proficiency testing required by CLIA?
A)once every month
B)once every three months
C)once every six months
D)once a year
Plus or minus two standard deviations includes how much of the data?
A)5 percent
B)68 percent
C)95 percent
D)99 percent
CLIA requires that calibration verification must be performed
A)once every month
B)once every three months
C)once every six months
D)once a year

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