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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Actions taken by firms to plan for and react to competition from rival firms are known as…
B)strategic deterrence.
C)dominated strategies.
D)strategic behavior.
What is the most important characteristic of an oligopoly?
A)barriers to entry
B)product differentiation
C)interdependence of profits
D)market power
E)none of the above
A dominant strategy is…
A)a diagram showing the structure and payoff of a sequential decision situation.
B)a conditional strategic move that takes the form: "If you do A, I will do B which is costly to you."
C)a strategy or action that always provides the best outcome no matter what decisions rivals make.
D)a strategic move that will be carried out because it is in the best interest of the firm making the move to carry it out.
E)none of the above
Nash decisions are likely to be chosen because…
A)Nash decisions are strategically stable.
B)they represent a set of actions for which all managers are choosing their best actions given the actions chosen by their rivals.
C)both players have dominant strategies and play them.
D)both a and b
E)both a and c

The next 6 questions refer to the following payoff table.

  Firm B's Advertising Budget
Firm A's Advertising BudgetLow


$900 , $900


$820 , $1,220


$1,060 , $1,100



$1,000 , $800


$950 , $1,025


$1,040 , $1,000



$875 , $92


$800 , $875


$1,025 , $1,175

What dominant strategies exist in the original payoff table above?
A)Firm A Medium
B)Firm B High
C)Firm B Medium
D)Firm A Low
E)There are no dominant strategies.
Using the method of successive elimination of dominated strategies, which strategies, if any, are eliminated after the first round?
A)Firm A High
B)Firm B Low
C)both a and b
D)No strategies are eliminated after the first round.
After the first round of elimination, are there any more dominated strategies to eliminate? If so, which one(s)?
A)Firm A Low
B)Firm B High
C)Firm B Medium
D)both b and c
E)Neither firm has dominated strategies after the first round.
After the first round of elimination, are there any dominant strategies? If so, which one(s)?
A)Firm A High
B)Firm A High
C)Firm B Medium
D)both a and c
E)Neither firm has a dominant strategy after the first round.
Which cell in the payoff table represents the likely outcome of this advertising game?
A)Cell A (Low, Low)
B)Cell C (Low, High)
C)Cell I (High, High)
D)Cell E (Medium, Medium)
E)Cell H (High, Medium)
Is the likely outcome a Nash equilibrium?
A)Yes, since the outcome represents the mutually best pair of decisions.
B)No, since the outcome represents the mutually best pair of decisions.
C)Yes, since this situation is a prisoners' dilemma.
D)No, since the outcome does not represent the mutually best pair of decisions.
E)Unable to tell from the information given.
At the point of intersection of two best-response curves, each manager…
A)is making the greatest possible individual profit.
B)is unable to reach a Nash equilibrium.
C)has acted to maximize total industry profit.
D)is unable to achieve a higher payoff through any unilateral change of strategy.
E)both b and d
A second-mover advantage occurs…
A)when there is not a first-mover advantage in a sequential decision.
B)when a firm can earn greater profit by reacting to earlier decisions made by rivals.
C)because rivals have imperfect information about payoffs.
D)both a and b
E)none of the above
In sequential decision making situations, using the roll-back method…
A)allows the decision maker going second to predict what the decision maker going first will do.
B)allows predictions about what the decision maker going second will do to be used by the decision maker going first.
C)results in a Nash equilibrium.
D)both a and c
E)both b and c
Price leadership…
A)is not useful to a dominant firm if it could eliminate all its rivals through a price war.
B)is an arrangement in which one firm in the market sets a price that the other firms match.
C)occurs when a group of firms agree to limit competitive forces in the market.
D)is when a firm makes a noncooperative decision to raise its price.
E)none of the above
In a repeated decision for which the present value of the benefits of cheating are greater than the present value of the costs of cheating,
A)deciding to cooperate is a value-maximizing decision.
B)deciding to cheat is a value-maximizing decision.
C)deciding to cheat is never a value-maximizing decision.
D)both a and c
A credible commitment is…
A)always irreversible.
B)an unconditional strategic move.
C)a way of becoming the first-mover in sequential decision situation.
D)all of the above
A conditional strategic move, such as a threat or promise, can be credible only if
A)it can increase each firm's payoff.
B)when the time comes to carry out the threat or promise, fulfilling the threat or promise is in the best interest of the firm making the threat or promise.
C)rivals believe the manager making the threat or promise can be trusted to follow through on any commitment, threat, or promise that he or she makes.
D)the strategic move harms rivals.
E)none of the above.
Which strategy for punishing cheating has consistently been the winning strategy in tournaments pitting decision strategies against one another?
A)Nash strategy
Which of the following conditions make it LESS likely that a cartel will succeed?
A)a small number of cartel members.
B)similar physical characteristics of goods among cartel members.
C)similar cost structures among cartel members.
D)differentiated cost structures among cartel members.
A form of strategic entry deterrence is
A)limit pricing.
B)forming a cartel.
C)maintaining excess capacity.
D)both a and c
E)all of the above

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