1 |  |  What is meant by the term spontaneous generation? |
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2 |  |  What is meant by the term biogenesis? |
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3 |  |  Describe the contribution of each of the following scientists to the biogenesis/spontaneous generation debate: Redi Needham, Spallanzani, and Pasteur. |
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4 |  |  Provide two kinds of evidence that support the idea that life could have originated on Earth. |
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5 |  |  Provide two kinds of evidence that support the idea that life could have arrived on Earth from space. |
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6 |  |  How did the atmosphere, the temperature, and the surface of the newly formed Earth differ from what exists today? |
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7 |  |  What is the approximate age of the Earth? |
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8 |  |  List two kinds of evidence that suggest that organic molecules could have formed before there were living things. |
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9 |  |  List two kinds of evidence that suggest that RNA was the first genetic material. |
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10 |  |  Describe two models that suggest how collections of organic molecules could have been segregated from other molecules. |
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11 |  |  Why must the first organism on Earth have been anaerobic? |
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12 |  |  How do heterotrophs and chemoautotrophs differ in how they obtain organic molecules? |
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13 |  |  What organisms were probably responsible for the development of an oxygen-containing atmosphere? |
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14 |  |  What evidence supports the theory that eukaryotic cells arose from the development of an endosymbiotic relationship between primitive prokaryotic cells? |
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15 |  |  Why is it unlikely that organic molecules would accumulate in the oceans today? |
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16 |  |  List two significant biologically important effects caused by the increase of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. |
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17 |  |  In what sequence did the following things happen: living cell, oxidizing atmosphere, respiration, photosynthesis, reducing atmosphere, first organic molecule? |
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18 |  |  List 2 distinguishing characteristics of each of the following domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya. |
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19 |  |  Describe 4 problems organisms had to overcome to be successful on land. |
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20 |  |  For each of the following pairs of terms, select the one that is the earliest in geologic time.
a. eukaryote—prokaryote
b. marine—terrestrial
c. vertebrate—invertebrate
d. flowering plant—cone-bearing plant
e. aerobic respiration—photosynthesis
f. plants—animals
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