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A member of a "gangsta rap" group "ignited a furor," according to Editor & Publisher, with remarks he made at the annual convention of the National Association of Black Journalists. The rapper, Bushwick Bill, frequently referred to women as "bitches" and "hos," according to the account in E & P. When he was asked why he used these terms, he replied that the "only women he knows are 'bitches and hos,'" E & P reported. The article in the journalism publication continued: Audience grumbling turned to outrage, however, when Asbury Park (N.J.) Press recruiter Karyn Collins asked him what he called his mother. According to witnesses, Bushwick Bill replied that he called his mother a woman, adding, "I'm not fucking my mother. If I was fucking you, you'd be a bitch." More than 200 people, mostly women, stormed out of the session.
If you were the editor of E & P would you have allowed the offensive language to appear as it did? Why? If you were the following, what would you have done with Bushwick Bill's language? - News director of a local radio station covering the convention.
- Editor of the city's daily newspaper.
- Author of an article or book about the changing standards of taste in the media.