Here are some excerpts from a talk given by Elizabeth Horton, vice president of the National Women's Caucus based in New Orleans . Horton is a financial consultant, 45, married, the mother of two college-age children: This country is experiencing a moral collapse. We see on all sides a relaxation of standards. This country has the highest rate of births to unmarried women, its abortions are growing annually, and crime and drugs have ruined sections of our major cities. This is the result of a permissive society, a society in which moral relativism is the rule. Nothing is seen as a guideline since everything is relative. Our children are taught that there are no absolutes, that we can go through life without beliefs, without the assurances that a strong moral code gives us. Our political leaders, our courts and many of our so-called respected institutions have let us down. We need to return to less law-making, less interference with our right to pray as we please, where we please... Horton spoke to the Freeport Women's Club at noon. |