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Class Discussion
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A. Profile

     If you were assigned to interview the following people for profiles, how would you prepare for the interview, and what specific questions would you ask?
     1. A new member of the English department.
     2. A candidate for the city council.
     3. The newly elected president of the League of Women Voters.
     4. A local businessman who has been appointed to a newly authorized state Reorganization Commission to study the possibility of fewer elective offices and greater centralization of administration.
     5. An organizer for a union of campus clerical workers.


B. Inhale

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     Teen-age smoking is increasing. Ten years ago, 700,000 teen-agers a year took up smoking. Today, the figure is 1.2 million. Two-thirds of new smokers are under the age of 18.
     Michael Ericksen, director of the Centers Office on Smoking and Health, says:

     Over the past decade, adult smoking has declined by about 20%, while teen-age smoking has actually increased. It's alarming that, despite a decade of unprecedented attention to the health dangers of smoking, there are more teen-agers smoking now than there were ten years ago. Tobacco Industry opposition has hindered our ability to use the three most powerful weapons we have to reduce adolescent smoking, namely eliminating advertising, increasing price and enforcing access laws.

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     Conduct a survey among high school seniors to see what percentage smoke. When did they start smoking and what influenced their taking up smoking? Were they able to buy cigarettes despite the law against sales to minors? Explore the causes and ask whether they know the consequences of smoking. Obtain the latest figures from the CDC on teen smoking.


C. Teen Topics

     A poll taken by The New York Times and CBS News found the following about teen-agers:

Weekday hours watching TV3.9
Weekday hours at home computer2.5
Weekday hours spent online1.9
Have own car14%
Have own telephone17%
Have beeper or pager18%
Have TV in their rooms66%
Have part-time job49%
Have ridden in a car driven recklessly by
another teen-ager this year
Ages 13–1522%
Ages 16–1758%
Firearm in the household
<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/0073511935/234793/polling.jpg','popWin', 'width=128,height=150,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (1.0K)</a>      Conduct a survey of your local high schools and compare figures. Write 450 words.

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