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A. Obese

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     The states with the highest percentage of obese adults are Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia. They are also among the poorest states in the United States, ranking, respectively, 50, 42, and 49.
     The usual expectation is that poverty leads to low weight. Researchers say that obesity may be involved with psychological, physiological and environmental factors.
     Search the Internet and interview campus authorities on the subject of diet for a broadcast documentary.


B. White House

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     The presidential news conference, complete with questions from reporters, went into full stride in the Eisenhower administration. President Eisenhower held 74 news conferences in his first term. Ronald Reagan held far fewer in his first term—21.
     Check the number of first-term news conferences of the presidents since Eisenhower. Interview political science and other instructors for their comments on the reasons for the wide differences. What do they think of the comment of Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's close advisor, about reporters:

     He has a cagey respect for them. He understands their job is to do a job. And that's not necessarily to report the news. It's to get a headline or get a story that will make people pay attention to their magazine, newspaper, or television more.

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