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A. Mail   People are always complaining about how long it takes letters to arrive, and the postal service says it is constantly at work speeding up the process. Check the delivery time yourself.   Select friends and relatives at several different locations and send a letter with a self-addressed stamped envelope inside. Ask the recipient to note just when the letter was postmarked and received. A form could be used. At your end, note the date the incoming letter was postmarked and the date you received it.   Mail your letters on the same day as everyone else in your class. |
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B. DWI   Statistics show that drunk drivers are repeaters. In New Mexico, for example, almost half the 14,000 drivers charged in a single year with drunk driving had at least one prior conviction on the charge. Traffic Bureau records show that nearly 3,500 had three or more convictions.   Make a study of figures for your city and for your state. How many of those convicted for driving while under the influence of alcohol had a prior arrest, more than one arrest? Are there any moves to tighten up the penalties for this offense? |