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A. Documents
B. Pattern
  Examine the latest edition of the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. Make a list of the 10 states with the highest crime rates for violent crimes—murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault—or for one of these crimes. Make a list of the 10 states with the lowest crime rates. Can you see any patterns? Write a story based on your conclusions.
C. Gifts
  Each year, alumni donate billions of dollars to their alma maters. At one time, the giving was unrestricted; the donors allowed their schools to use the money as the schools saw fit. But unrestricted giving has declined. "There are more gifts with strings attached," says Peter Buchanan, president of the Council for Advancement and Support, an organization serving university administrators in the areas of alumni relations, communications and fund raising.   Some schools are unhappy with such gifts; others find input from donors positive. But there are limits. Most schools will not allow donors to dictate the professors they hire or the students they must accept. Lee Bass donated $20 million to Yale with the provision he would have a say in the appointment of professors. The gift was refused.   What is the situation on your campus? How many gifts are unrestricted, how many restricted? What is the nature of some of the restrictions?