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Campus Projects
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A. Crime Count

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     Studies of crime indicate that many more crimes are committed than reported. Make a survey of students and determine how many have been victims of a crime within the past year on campus. Did they report the crime to campus or local police?
     Failure to report is especially high among victims of sex crimes. You might want to make a separate category for this crime and investigate the situation in depth.


B. Policy

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     Campus newspapers have gone to court to open campus police records, and the courts have agreed that the public has access to these records. Disciplinary records, however, are closed to the press because the courts have ruled that they fall under the protection students have from the so-called Buckley Amendment.
     What is the situation on your campus? Are reporters allowed to examine campus police records? If so, does the campus newspaper and/or local newspaper examine these records on a regular basis?

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