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Community Projects
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A. Broke

     Visit the federal bankruptcy court and examine the filings. Select one that you think will make an interesting feature story. Interview the person who filed the report.


B. Savings

     The business staff of your newspaper/broadcast station is planning a weekly feature, "Money Matters." For the first feature, your editor wants a piece on what various types of investments are paying in interest:

  1. Bank savings accounts.
  2. Certificates of deposit.
  3. U.S. savings bonds.
  4. Insured money market accounts.

     He says he recently read an article that stated there is more than $1 trillion invested in the traditional passbook bank savings accounts, which are the lowest among safe investments.
     Collect the various offerings of banks and savings and loan institutions and indicate their relative safety and the interest they pay.


C. Outsourcing

     Check local business and industry to see whether jobs have been lost to companies moving overseas.

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