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A person who diets without exercising
A)will increase metabolism more than exercising.
B)will gain lean muscle tissue.
C)will likely not keep the weight off if it is lost.
D)will lose more fat than water.
Which of the following strategies are recommended for someone trying to lose weight (fat)?
A)Exercise most days of the week 60-90 minutes
B)Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
C)Recognize and practice positive behavior modification tools
D)All of these choices are correct
Quick large changes in body weight are usually caused by which of the following?
A)Changes in body fat
B)Changes in body water
C)Changes in lean tissue
D)Changes in bone mineral content
The "gold" standard (or best) of body composition tests below is _____.
A)A regular bathroom scale
B)Hydrostatic (underwater) weighing
C)Skin calipers
D)Electrical impedance
Examples of positive behavior modification tools for weight loss are _____.
A)Rewarding with cookies and chips when goal weights are met
B)Weighing on a bathroom scale daily
C)Goal setting for exercise, food journal record-keeping, and cognitive restructuring
D)Rules of fasting and excessive exercise when too many kcalories are eaten
Obesity is likely associated with which of the following in the United States?
A)Inactivity and too much TV/computer time
B)Eating organic fruits and vegetables
C)Eating more home-cooked meals than eating out
D)Eating too little protein
Which of the following is a recommendation for treating underweight?
A)Do 60-90 minutes of cardio work to stay fit while gaining weight
B)Weighing in on a scale daily to look for weight gain progress
C)Encouraging low energy-dense foods like rice cakes
D)Encouraging higher energy-dense foods such as nut butters
Having excess body fat may be related to all of the following EXCEPT _______.
A)Hormonal regulation problems with hunger and appetite
B)Heredity (genes)
C)Positive lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise
D)Learned behaviors such as eating high fat foods and not exercising
Which of the following are the components of energy expenditure?
A)Anaerobic and aerobic activity
B)TEF, physical activity, and basal metabolism
C)Physical activity and basal metabolism only
D)Thermal effect of food (TEF) and basal metabolism only
Which of the following represents one's kcalorie needs per day?
Which of the following is a common characteristic of anorexia nervosa?
A)Binging and purging
B)Eating 2500 kcalories daily
C)Refraining from eating as a means to gain control of one's life
D)All of these choices are correct
All of the following are characteristics of bulimia EXCEPT _______.
A)Binging on thousands of kcalories daily
B)Purging (fasting, vomiting, or excessive exercise)
C)Frequent weight fluctuations of 10-15 pounds
D)None of these choices are exceptions
Strategies to help a person with an eating disorder include all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A)Telling the person that you care and want to help her/him
B)Weighing on a scale regularly
C)Help the person to find an eating disorder specialist or therapist
D)Encourage programs that emphasize abstinence from the problem behavior as a recovery tool
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of compulsive overeaters?
A)They go from diet to diet
B)They regularly binge publicly
C)Weight is the focus of their lives
D)They are often overweight
Which of the following is a characteristic of a fad diet?
A)Eating a variety of foods
B)Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
C)Eating only 4 specific foods a day
D)Being vegetarian

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