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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Describe energy balance and uses of energy by the body.
  2. Compare methods used to measure energy expenditure by the body.
  3. Explain internal and external regulation of hunger, appetite, and satiety.
  4. Discuss methods for assessing body composition and determining whether body weight and composition are healthy.
  5. Describe the impact of genetics and environment on body weight and composition.
  6. Outline the key components of programs designed to treat overweight and obesity.
  7. Discuss the characteristics of fad diets.
  8. Evaluate weight-loss programs to determine whether they are safe and likely to result in long-term weight loss.
  9. Describe treatments for severe obesity.
  10. Outline recommendations for treating underweight individuals.
  11. Describe the causes of, effects of, typical persons affected by, and treatment for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.
  12. Explain methods for reducing the development of eating disorders, including the use of warning signs to identify early cases.

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