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MyHumanitiesStudio Exercises
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Ancient Greek Civilization (pp. 30-36)
Literature > Character > Dimension
The main character of The Iliad (pp. 33-34) is Achilles, a heroic but troubled figure. Based on his actions and statements in this epic, how should Achilles' character be categorized? Is he flat, round, stock, static, or dynamic? Does he contain elements of several characterizations, and if so, which ones? What does the character of Achilles suggest about Ancient Greeks' views of humanity and humankind's place in the world? How does Achilles resemble or differ from Gilgamesh? How does he resemble or differ from modern action heroes?
The Classical Style (pp. 47-58)
Architecture > Proportion > Harmony/discord
The architecture of a building might be designed not only for utilitarian and aesthetic purposes, but for philosophical ones as well. Analyze the architecture of the Acropolis and the Parthenon (Figs. 2.24, 2.25, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29). How does this architecture evoke harmony? What philosophical view of humankind did the Parthenon's architects implicitly endorse through its design? Examine the artwork that ornamented the Parthenon (Figs. 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33). Did this ornamentation enhance or complicate the harmony of the Parthenon? What broader purposes might it have served?

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