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LATO—Library of Ancient Texts Online
This site provides a catalogue of links to online copies of Ancient Greek texts both in translation and in the original Greek. The links' e-texts consist of older works which have entered the public domain; but they would still be helpful to students who want to peruse standard works or who want to scan the breadth of ancient texts that have survived.

Greek Mythology Link
The work of Carlos Parada, this website provides a wealth of information about Greek mythology, including biographies of major and minor figures, and useful maps of such subjects as the voyage of the Argonauts and the travels of Odysseus.

Theoi Greek Mythology
This website contains biographical information about mythological figure and links to e-texts, but is particularly useful for its gallery of images from Greek vases, mosaics, and statuary.

Beazley Archive—The University of Oxford
Along with images, this website provides detailed information about the histories and changing styles of a variety of different ancient art forms, including pottery, statuary, and gems.

PBS—NOVA: Secrets of the Parthenon
This website provides interviews with scholars about the Parthenon and about modern attempts to restore it. Visitors can watch a documentary which describes the history of the Acropolis, depicts how it might have appeared when first constructed, and explains the optical illusions that the Parthenon's architects employed to create the appearance of perfection.

PBS: The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization
This website provides valuable background information about key events in Greek history, important figures, and diverse groups (including slaves and courtesans) and practices (such as ostracism). Further information on a variety of subjects can be accessed by following the site's many links.

iDC Rome: 500 Years of the Laocoon
This website describes the discovery and unearthing of the Hellenistic sculpture Laocoon and his Sons in 1506, and provides a slideshow demonstrating its influence on the work of later artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Rubens.

Ancient Olympics
This website provides an overview of ancient Greek Olympics, describing cultural practices such as infibulation, nudity, and pederasty. It also outlines the programs of the Olympic as well as other ancient games, and describes the various buildings located at Olympia.

Timeline of Ancient History: Greek and Roman Art in the Ancient World: Thematic Essays
This website offers short essays on a variety of topics in Ancient Greek art, including "Architecture in Ancient Greece," "Death, Burial, and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece," and "Hellenistic Jewelry," among many other relevant subjects. Each essay is accompanied by photographic examples of the topic under discussion.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This website provides thorough introductions to the lives and thoughts of important philosophers from Ancient Greece (and elsewhere).

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Greece
This useful website offers ready access to portions of important documents related to Ancient Greek history, helpfully divided by time (for example, "The Persian Wars" and "The Age of Tyranny") and theme (for example, "Literature" and "Gender and Sexuality"). See also the site's section on the Hellenistic World.

Art History Resources on the Web: Ancient Greek Art
This website doesn't contain original material; instead it provides access to dozens of links to other sites covering a variety of topics related to ancient Greek art (as well as many other cultures and time periods).

Sacred Texts: The Classics
The primary purpose of this website is to collect sacred texts from a wide variety of world religions. It includes a section dedicated to classical texts which provides e-texts of a large number of Greek works.

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