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Self-Assessment Quiz
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The early Romans were most heavily influenced by the
A)Etruscans and Greeks.
B)Egyptians and Greeks.
C)Egyptians and Phoenicians.
D)Etruscans and Hittites.
E)Greeks and Hittites.
The populous farmers and small landowners of ancient Rome were known as the
Which of the following statements about Julius Caesar is false?
A)He led the Roman Army that conquered Gaul.
B)As dictator, he regulated taxes and reduced debts.
C)As dictator, he initiated public works programs.
D)He was assassinated by imperial Senators led by Brutus.
E)He became the dictator of Rome despite having a poor education that left him illiterate.
Generally speaking, Stoics such as Seneca believed that
A)happiness lay outside the grasp of human beings.
B)there was no order or sense to human existence.
C)humans should be guided by their hearts rather than by their minds.
D)contentment could only be gained by developing intense emotional attachments to ones fellow humans.
E)humans should cultivate rational detachment from the world around them.
In Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid, the hero's father advises Romans that
A)they must avoid excessive pride in their country's accomplishments.
B)they have been worshipping false gods and must repent.
C)it was their duty to rule the world.
D)they must brutally crush all foreign nations.
E)they should wage war for war's sake.
Juvenal is best known as
A)Rome's first emperor.
B)a Stoic philosopher.
C)an author of love poetry.
D)the leading author of satire.
E)a comic playwright.
A series of arches placed back to back creates a
A)barrel vault.
B)cross or groined vault.
C)post-and-lintel vault.
E)All these answers are correct.
The Pantheon
A)was dedicated to the planetary deities.
B)has a dome with an "eye" open to the sky.
C)observes the principles of symmetry and harmony laid out by Vitruvius.
D)is one of the few buildings from antiquity to survive largely intact.
E)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following monuments is a landmark commemoration of Roman imperial victory?
A)the Colosseum
B)Maison Carée
C)Pont du Gard
D)Trajan's Column
E)the Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius
China's Empire was
A)modeled on the Roman Empire.
B)much smaller than the Roman Empire.
C)roughly equal in power and prestige to Rome.
D)conquered by Roman legions.
E)isolated from Rome by the Great Wall.
Based on surviving evidence, in what field did the Romans clearly excel over the Chinese?
A)the construction of massive military defenses
B)the writing of detailed historical chronicles
C)the writing of epic poetry
D)the composition of lyric love poetry
E)the use of musical instruments
Sima Qian is best known as the
A)first Qin Emperor.
B)architect of the Great Wall.
C)sculptor of Shih Huang Ti's terra-cotta army.
D)author of Records of the Grand Historian.
E)conqueror of the Huns.
By 180 C.E. the Roman Empire encompassed which sea, which the Romans called mare nostrum, or "our sea"?
A)Baltic Sea
B)Caspian Sea
C)Mediterranean Sea
D)Black Sea
E)Red Sea
By 180 C.E., the Roman Empire included all of the following lands EXCEPT
A)Asiana (Asia).
B)Britannia (Britain).
C)Gallia (France).
D)Germania (Germany).
E)Italia (Italy).
Rome, the capital of the Republic and the Empire, was located in
A)Britannia (Britain).
B)Gallia (France).
C)Hispania (Spain).
D)Germania (Germany).
E)Italia (Italy).

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