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Web Resources
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The Perseus Digital Library: Greek and Roman Materials
This site provides translations to a large number of Roman texts, including works by Cicero, Virgil, and Julius Caesar.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This website provides thorough explanations of philosophical schools (including Stoicism) and biographies of major philosophical figures (such as Seneca and Lucretius).

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome
This useful website offers ready access to portions of important documents related to Roman history, helpfully divided by time (for example, "Roman Foundations" and "Civil Wars and Revolution") and theme (for example, "Literature" and "Gender and Sexuality").

Illustrated History of the Roman Empire
This website provides a good introduction to Roman history, with several images to illustrate key points or figures. It also contains a good number of modern photographs of Roman ruins and relics.

Art History Resources on the Web: Ancient Roman Art
This website doesn't contain original material; instead it provides access to dozens of links to other sites covering a variety of topics related to ancient Roman art (as well as that of many other cultures and time periods).

Trajan's Column
Students who wish to delve into the intricate illustrations covering Trajan's Column will find this site useful. The website offers several hundred images of small portions from the column, with handy guides to explain where the images are located on the column.

De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families
Students interested in the lives and careers of the Roman emperors will find this site useful. It provides detailed biographies written by accomplished scholars of every Roman emperor and many of the Byzantine ones.

Juvenal's Satires
This website provides English translations of Juvenal's Satires with helpful footnotes explaining obscure references in the text for the benefit of students.

The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts: The Art of Asia
This website provides an excellent introduction to the arts of the Far East. It houses images of porcelain, landscape paintings, and other items, as well as historical information, maps, and explanatory videos. Visitors can view the artworks by type or by dynastic period. This site is a good source for examining the artistic accomplishments of the Qin (Ch'in) and Han dynasties.

Timeline of Art History: Greek and Roman Art
This website, maintained by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, provides access to a good combination of images and thematic essays divided according to culture, time period, and medium. The site contains over a dozen pages dedicated to aspects of Roman art and culture, including "Roman Painting" and "Roman Mosaic and Network Glass."

Project Gutenberg
At this expansive website, students can find a large number of e-texts from the Roman period in English translation, including works by Virgil, Horace, and Livy.

Roman Aqueducts
This website compiles a wealth of information and images related to Roman aqueducts. It provides a good introduction to one of Imperial Rome's most impressive engineering accomplishments.

Sacred Texts: The Classics
The primary purpose of this website is to collect sacred texts from a wide variety of world religions. It includes a section dedicated to classical texts which provides e-texts of a large number of Roman works.

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