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1. The Purposes of Schools

Which one of the two purposes of schools is represented by the Separation of School and State Alliance? Use examples from this organization's Web site to support your answer. Does this organization embody aspects of both Purpose 1 and Purpose 2, or does it fall entirely in one "camp"? Explain.

What is your opinion about this organization's stated purpose?

2. Paulo Freire and Reconstructionism

This chapter briefly talks about Paulo Freire and his Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Use the following Web sites as source material for answering the question below.

Critique of Freire: Not everyone is a fan. To read some of the opponent’s views, click on

Read more about Paulo Freire’s work (in several languages) at

Click here to view a comparison of two models of teaching, "critical education" and "banking education." How does Freire's approach fit into these models?

3. Educational Vouchers and School Choice

Using the following Web sites as source material, take a stand on educational vouchers and school choice. Develop a position statement expressing your opinions. Be sure to anticipate the objections of those who do not share your views.

National Center for Policy Analysis: Choice in Education

The NEA on Educational Vouchers

A Citizen's Guide to Education Reform: School Choices

The ACLU President's Opinion on Educational Vouchers

The Center for Education Reform: School Choice

4. Educational Maintenance Organizations (EMOs)

The business sector's growing role in education is seen by some as the "best hope" for tomorrow's schools, and by others as a growing danger to students, teacher security, and public schools. To begin your online investigation of this issue, visit the following EMO Web sites:

The Edison Schools

Partnerships in Education: Some states and organizations are actively recruiting businesses and others to partner with schools. Find out more at

For an opposing view, check out these sites:

Corporate Involvement in Schools: Time for a More Critical Look

AFT on the Issues: Privatization

EMOs: Pedagogy for Profit

Based on what you have seen on these sites and read in your textbook, what are the primary points of contention regarding EMOs? Prepare a table of "Pros and Cons" to frame your analysis.

Where do you stand on this issue? What would your reasons be for choosing to teach, or not to teach, in an EMO-run school?

5. Home Schools, Home Teachers

Advances in technology have provided a catalyst for the home-schooling movement. To see this for yourself, check out the following Web sites:

Homeschool Central

Digital Learning Network

Internet Home School

Home Sweet Home-School

Homeschool Zone

Using examples from these sites to support your answer, what are the benefits and potential pitfalls of using these technologies for home-schooling? Do these technologies answer any of the objections posed by critics of home-schooling?

Do the advantages provided by this technology affect your personal view of home-schooling? That is, would your opinion of home-schooling be different if these advanced technologies were not widely available? Explain your answer.

6. Preventing School Violence

Each year scores of students and teachers are killed by gunfire, hundreds are wounded, and hundreds more are held hostage. Meanwhile, more than three million other less-publicized crimes are committed on school grounds each year. To see what one group is trying to do about school violence, visit the Center for the Prevention of School Violence Web site.

First, summarize this organization's initiatives aimed at preventing school violence. Then discuss their Safe Schools Pyramid and how it relates to your textbook's description of "safe and orderly schools".

Finally, what do you think are the most important actions educators, administrators, students, and community leaders can take to prevent school violence? Are you familiar with any anti-violence measures that you feel "go too far" in trying to promote school safety (e.g., metal detectors, locker searches, armed guards)?

7. Monitoring Student Progress

The National Center for Fair and Open Testing, or FairTest, is an organization committed to eliminating the abuses, biases and misuses in standardized testing. Click here to visit the FairTest Web site.

Do you agree with FairTest's position, or are you more supportive of the usefulness of standardized tests? You may want to visit the Educational Testing Service Web site to get a view from the "test makers" who are a bit more supportive of standardized tests. What testing reforms, if any, would you advocate?

8. The Virtual High School

Visit the Virtual High School. Describe how you might feel teaching or learning in this environment. What are the teaching and learning skills most appropriate for the Internet? If you are interested in teaching in this electronic environment, contact the Virtual High School administrator and inquire about how you might get involved.

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