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Grammar Quiz
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For each item below, select the sentence that is grammatically correct.


Select either A or B below.
A)Our group's writing has improved dramatically since the beginning of the semester.
B)Our groups' writing has improved dramatically since the beginning of the semester.

Select either A or B below.
A)The child prodigy was in command of the three R's by the time he was four.
B)The child prodigy was in command of the three Rs by the time he was four.

Select either A or B below.
A)The members of the jury sat spellbound as they listened to the witness' story.
B)The members of the jury sat spellbound as they listened to the witness's story.

Select either A or B below.
A)Hula hoops and poodle skirts were fads in the United States in the 1950's.
B)Hula hoops and poodle skirts were fads in the United States in the 1950s.

Select either A or B below.
A)It was obvious from the sign on the front lawn that the Jones had put their house on the market.
B)It was obvious from the sign on the front lawn that the Joneses had put their house on the market.

Select either A or B below.
A)When he retired from his job at the U.S. Department of Justice, Tom was able to say that he had served under ten attorneys general.
B)When he retired from his job at the U.S. Department of Justice, Tom was able to say that he had served under ten attorney generals.

Select either A or B below.
A)Strunk's and White's "The Elements of Style" is a book that every reporter should read.
B)Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" is a book that every reporter should read.

Select either A or B below.
A)At the movie theater an obnoxious man put his shoes up on the back of Jules' seat.
B)At the movie theater an obnoxious man put his shoes up on the back of Jules's seat.

Select either A or B below.
A)The open doors of the busses showed that their drivers were ready to load.
B)The open doors of the busses' showed that their drivers were ready to load.

Select either A or B below.
A)The childrens' grades had been posted for everyone to see.
B)The children's grades had been posted for everyone to see.

Harrower, 1eOnline Learning Center

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