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Chapter Objectives
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Know what an adaptive strategy is. In addition, you should be familiar with Cohen's typology of societies based on their adaptive strategies.

Understand what foraging entails and know some of the social and cultural traits commonly found in foraging societies.

Understand what horticulture entails and know some of the social and cultural traits commonly found in horticultural societies.

Understand what agriculture entails and know some of the social and cultural traits commonly found in agricultural societies. In particular, you should be familiar with the features of agriculture that distinguish it from horticulture.

Understand what pastoralism entails and know some of the social and cultural traits commonly found in pastoral societies.

Understand examples of how today's globalizing world and state policies are altering the ways of life of many communities that traditionally practiced different adaptive strategies.

Distinguish between modes and means of production.

Understand how industrialism leads to the alienation of producers from their products.

Know what economic anthropology is. Specifically, you should understand the various ways that people make use of their scarce resources.

Distinguish between the various forms of distribution and exchange, including the market principle, redistribution, and generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity.

Be familiar with the potlatch. Specifically, you should know what it is, where it has been practiced, how it relates to local and regional patterns of resource abundance and shortage, and how it challenges culturally uninformed economic assumptions.

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