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Chapter Objectives
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Know the difference between sex and gender and why gender is a cultural construction. In addition, you should understand the difference between gender roles, gender stereotypes, and gender stratification.

Know the nature of gender relations among foragers. In particular, you should understand what the domestic-public dichotomy is and how it relates to gender stratification.

Know the nature of gender relations among horticulturalists. In particular, you should know what conditions influence the degree of gender stratification present in a given society. You should also be familiar with the patrilineal-patrilocal complex.

Know the nature of gender relations among agriculturalists.

Understand the relationship between patriarchy and violence.

Know how industrialism has affected gender roles. In particular, you should understand how and why poverty in industrialized states is becoming feminized.

Understand how sexuality and sexual norms vary both within and between societies.

Understand what sexual orientation is and how attitudes toward different orientations vary cross-culturally.

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