Marty Knorre Thalia Dorwick Ana María Pérez-Gironés,
Wesleyan University William R. Glass Hildebrando Villarreal,
California State University, Los Angeles
ISBN: 0073534420 Copyright year: 2009
As the best-selling introductory Spanish textbook in the United States, Puntos de partida has long been a favorite of instructors across the country. For this new edition, the authors and editors of Puntos have turned to those very instructors to help formulate a plan that would respond to the needs of a changing discipline. We reached out to students and instructors across the country, and the result is a thoroughly revised edition, both in appearance and content. Puntos continues to provide the solid foundation in communicative language development that has become its hallmark. At the same time, instructor and student feedback have guided the development of the eighth edition in ways that enrich this foundation even more, and also bring to the materials a number of other important and exciting changes.
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