Robert W. Lucas,
Creative Presentation Resources, Inc.
ISBN: 0073545465 Copyright year: 2015
What's New
New Features
New! SmartBookFueled by LearnSmartSmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience available today. Distinguishing what a student knows from what they don't, and honing in on concepts they are most likely to forget, SmartBook personalizes content for each student in a continuously adapting reading experience. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience, but an engaging and dynamic one where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared. Valuable reports provide instructors insight as to how students are progressing through textbook content, useful for shaping in-class time or assessment. As a result the adaptive reading experience found in SmartBook, students are more likely to retain knowledge, stay in class and get better grades.
New! Connect® Marketing is an online assignment and assessment solution that connects students with the tools and resources they'll need to achieve success. McGraw-Hill Connect Marketing helps prepare students for their future by enabling faster learning, more efficient studying, and higher retention of knowledge. Connect Marketing offers you and your students powerful tools and features that optimize your time and energies, enabling you to focus on course content, teaching, and student learning. Connect Marketing also offers a wealth of content resources for both instructors and students. This state-of-the-art, thoroughly tested system supports you in preparing students for the world that awaits. For more information about Connect, go to, or contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative for access to an instructor account. Features of Connect include:
Interactive Assignments Each chapter offers a variety of interactive assignments that will require students to apply what they have learned in a real-world scenario. These interactive assignments will help students assess their understanding of the concepts.
New! LearnSmart ensures your students are learning faster, studying more efficiently, and retaining more knowledge. It pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan for success. Based on students' self-diagnoses of their proficiency, LearnSmart intelligently provides students with a series of adaptive questions. This provides students with a personalized one-on-one tutor experience.
New! SmartBook Fueled by LearnSmart, SmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience available today. SmartBook personalizes content for each student in a continuously adapting reading experience. Reading is no longer a passive and linear experience, but an engaging and dynamic one where students are more likely to master and retain important concepts, coming to class better prepared.
New! Connect Plus Marketing A seamless integration of a media rich eBook and Connect Marketing. Connect Plus Marketing provides all of the Connect Marketing features plus the following:
An integrated eBook, allowing for anytime, anywhere access to the book materials.
Dynamic links between the problems or questions you assign to your students and the location in the eBook where that problem or question is covered.
A powerful search function to pinpoint and connect key concepts in a snap
New! Quick Response (QR) Codes inserter throughout the chapters. These optically machine-readable, two-dimensional barcodes allow more tech-savvy readers with a Smartphone or iPhone that has a QR application to scan the image. They are then quickly directed to a website that contains additional information about the topic just addressed in that area of the book. This element not only adds a new visual element to the text, but also precludes a reader from having to manually cut and paste or type a domain name into a computer browser to get to additional resources.
New! Street Talk sections have been added to each chapter. These quick tips are provided by customer service professionals currently working in various organizations and industries. They provide real-world insights into strategies and techniques that people interacting with customers are using every day to enhance their service delivery.
New! Trending Now are short inserts that provide information about new and innovative strategies being employed in companies and industries to enhance the service experience for current and potential customers.
To purchase an eBook version of this title, visit (ISBN: 9781259218354). With the CourseSmart eTextbook version of this title, students can save money, reduce their impact on the environment, and access powerful web tools for learning. Faculty can also review and compare the full text online without having to wait for a print desk copy.
New! INSIGHT ENABLED: CONNECT Plus for Marketing offers easily-interpreted visualizations of student performance and assignment efficacy through McGraw-Hill's Connect Insight. Designed for your tablet or desktop computer, Insight helps you optimize your time by showing you the students and assignments that can benefit most from your attention.
Retained Features
Face to Face exercises are customer service scenarios in which readers assume the role of a specified employee and use information provided to determine how they might handle a similar customer service issue if faced with it on the job.
In the Real World sections, placed at the beginning of many of the chapters, provide insights into customer service in a variety of well-known businesses, industries, and organizations. These candid snapshots provide an overview of how successful businesses provide products and services and succeed in a highly competitive global world.
Think About It activities provide an opportunity for readers to reflect on the In the Real World scenarios that they just read, do an Internet search on those organizations, and then answer the questions provided. The goal of the activity is to cause readers to delve further into how the organization addresses customer service, and to relate it to their personal knowledge and what they read about service in the book.
Each chapter starts with behavioral-based Learning Outcomes to direct your focus and to help you measure your end of chapter success in grasping the concepts presented. You will also find a quote from a famous person to prompt your thinking related to the chapter topic and the text focus. Throughout the book and in the Contents, the abbreviation LO indicates the Learning Outcome that appears to that section.
Work It Out activities throughout the chapters challenge readers' knowledge and provide an opportunity for individual and/or small group work on a specific topic or issue.
Pretests called Quick Preview are provided at the beginning of each chapter as a self-assessment of current skills and knowledge levels before even reading the first page. This allows readers to check their topic knowledge and primes them for specific content to watch for as they read the chapter. Answers to the questions are provided at the end of the chapter.
At the end of each chapter is a Summary and also Review Questions, which bring together the key elements and issues encountered in the chapter. These questions will test the readers' absorption level for the content they have read and highlight areas for remedial study to assure mastery of the chapter topic.
Collaborative Learning Activities allow one or more readers to work together with the instructor and actually address a customer service issue in order to practice their skills, find answers to various questions, and reinforce their knowledge of the chapter topic.
Planning to Serve activities provide a roadmap for planning strategies and identifying techniques from the book that can be used to provide superior customer service in the future.
Tegrity Campus is a service that makes class time available all the time by automatically capturing every lecture in a searchable format for students to review when they study and complete assignments. With a simple one-click start and stop process, you capture all computer screens and corresponding audio. Students can replay any part of any class with easy-to-use browser-based viewing on a PC or Mac. Tegrity Campus is available stand-alone or within Connect.
CREATE, our Custom Textbook Option Craft your teaching resources to match the way you teach! With McGraw-Hill Create,, you can easily rearrange chapters, combine material from other content sources, and quickly upload content you have written like your course syllabus or teaching notes. Find the content you need in Create by searching through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill textbooks. Arrange your book to fit your teaching style. Create even allows you to personalize your book's appearance by selecting the cover and adding your name, school, and course information. Order a Create book and you'll receive a complimentary print review copy in 35 business days or a complimentary electronic review copy (eComp) via email in about one hour. Go to today and register. Experience how McGraw-Hill Create empowers you to teach your students your way.
MHCampus: McGraw-Hill Campus is a new one-stop teaching and learning experience available to users of any learning management system. This institutional service allows faculty and students to enjoy single sign-on (SSO) access to all McGraw-Hill Higher Education materials, including the award winning McGraw-Hill Connect platform, from directly within the institution's website. McGraw-Hill Campus provides faculty with instant access to all McGraw-Hill Higher Education teaching materials (e.g. eTextbooks, test banks, PowerPoint slides, animations and learning objects, etc), allowing them to browse, Search, and use any instructor ancillary content in our vast library at no additional cost to instructor or students. Students enjoy SSO access to a variety of free (e.g. quizzes, flash cards, narrated presentations, etc.) and subscription based products (e.g. McGraw-Hill Connect). With this program enabled, faculty and students will never need to create another account to access McGraw-Hill products and services. Learn more at
Blackboard Partnership McGraw-Hill and Blackboard have teamed up to simplify your life. Now you and your students can access Connect and Create right from within your Blackboard course all with one single sign-on. The gradebooks are seamless, so when a student completes an integrated Connect assignment, the grade for that assignment automatically (and instantly) feeds your Blackboard grade center. Learn more at