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Primary Sources, Maps and Images
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47. The Formation of the French Imperial System

  1. The Dissolution of the First and Second Coalitions, 1792-1802
  1. Peace Interim, 1802-1803
  1. Formation of the Third Coalition in 1805
  1. The Third Coalition, 1805-1807: The Peace of Tilsit
  1. The Continental System and the War in Spain
  1. The Austrian War of Liberation, 1809
  1. Napoleon at His Peak, 1809-1811

48. The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution

  1. The Organization of the Napoleonic Empire
    1. Napoleon and the Spread of the Revolution

    49. The Continental System: Britain and Europe

    1. British Blockade and Napoleon's Continental System
    1. The Failure of the Continental System

    50. The National Movements and New Nationalist Cultures

    1. The Resistance to Napoleon: Nationalism
    1. The Movement of Thought in Napoleonic Germany
    1. Romanticism
      1. Reforms in Prussia

      51. The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna

      1. The Russian Campaign and the War of Liberation
      1. The Restoration of the Bourbons
      1. The Settlement before the Vienna Congress
      1. The Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815
      1. The Polish-Saxon Question
      1. The Hundred Days and Their Aftermath

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