| Primary Sources, Maps and Images (See related pages)
93. The Advance of Democracy after 1919 - Gains of Democracy and Social Democracy
- The New States of Central and East-Central Europe
- Economic Problems of Eastern Europe; Land Reform
94. The German Republic and the Spirit of Locarno - [Image Karl Liebknecht]
- [Primary Source Rosa Luxemburg, The Socialisation of Society, December 1918]
- [Primary Source Karl Liebknecht, Proclamation of the Free Socialist Republic, 1918]
- [Image Spartacist poster, 1919]
- [Image Spartacist uprising, 1919]
- [Image Provisional Government troops attacking Spartacists, 1919]
- [Image Elections for National Constituent Assembly 1919]
- [Image Opening session, German National assembly, 1919]
- [Image Wolfgang Kapp]
- [Image Kapp putsch]
- [Image Adolf Hitler, 1923]
- [Primary Source The 25 Points: Nazi Program, 1920]
- [Image Nazi revolt in Munich, 1923]
- The German Democracy and Versailles
- Reparations, the Great Inflation of 1923, Recovery
- The Spirit of Locarno
95. Anti-Imperialist Movements in Asia - Resentments of Asia
- First World War and Russian Revolution
- The Turkish Revolution: Kemal Ataturk
- The National Movement in India: Gandhi and Nehru
- The Chinese Revolution: The Three People's Principles
- China: Nationalists and Communists
- Japan: Militarism and Aggression
96. The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy - The Prosperity of the 1920s and Its Weaknesses
- The Crash of 1929 and the Spread of Economic Crisis
- [Image New York Stock Exchange crash, October 1929]
- [Image Closed bank, Tombstone, Arizona]
- [Image Closed factory, Dubuque, Iowa]
- [Image Unemployed worker, Berlin 1931]
- [Image Workers lining up at labor office, Hanover, 1930]
- [Image German woman in Berlin, 1930]
- [Image Hitler campaign poster, 1932]
- Political and Economic Reactions to the Crisis
- Cultural Reactions to the Crisis